Baa’ li’ iitche’ is my Crow name, given as a baby and called by all my relatives when I participate in any ceremonies. I am the only daughter of Dan and Carlene Old Elk with 6 brothers. I was born and raised on the Crow reservation, I read, write and speak Crow and I am passing that knowledge on to my 4 children and 3 granddaughters. It’s so important for me to honor my grandmother’s who taught me how to bead with a good heart.
I create beadwork unique to the Crow such as florals, geometric designs and colors that are also representative of my artistic style. Using only sinew for all my work is how I was taught and continue. I create elkteeth jewlery, necklaces and earrings. Shells such as abalone and pink conch represent our ancient trade routes with other Tribes and I honor that by creating both necklaces and earrings as well. I try to make each piece of art unique and special as my hands touch every bead I wish only good to who ever wears my art.