Our Team

Art Business - Stylized Text
Triia is a program designed specifically for Indigenous artists and makers on a journey to grow their business, celebrate community, represent culture, and share history. We are here to build Native artists up, through business development and marketing education, access to our online showcase, social media promotions, and more! We would love for you to join us, and enrollment is currently free! Triia is the official destination for Native American artists to connect with the world.

Meet the Triia Team

It takes a whole community to succeed! Triia is so fortunate to have dedicated leadership, in-house staff, committed partners, experienced board members, and of course, talented Native artists!

Triia Leadership

Mary Walks Over Ice

Mary Walks Over Ice

Title: Chief Operations Officer

Tribe: Assiniboine Gros Ventre/Turtle Mountain Chippewa

Tally Monteau

Tally Monteau

Title: Project Manager

Tribe: Hunkpati Dakota/Chippewa-Cree

Support Team

Taya Falcon

Taya Falcon

Title: Triia Project Intern

Tribe: Little Shell

Board Members

Olivia “Rose” Williamson

Olivia “Rose” Williamson

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Lady Pompadour

Tribe: Crow

Niki Solider Wolf

Niki Solider Wolf

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Niki Stewart Jewelry

Tribe: Northern Cheyenne

Rebekah Jarvey

Rebekah Jarvey

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Rebekah Jarvey

Tribe: Chippewa Cree

Carrie McCLeary

Carrie McCLeary

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Plains Soul

Tribe: Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa

Ben Pease

Ben Pease

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Ben Pease Visions

Tribe: Northern Cheyenne, Raised Crow, Hidatsa, Cree, Metis

Della Bighair-Stump

Della Bighair-Stump

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Designs by Della

Tribe: Crow

Nakoa Heavyrunner

Nakoa Heavyrunner

Title: Triia Advisory Board Member

Company: Nakoa Heavyrunner

Tribe: Assiniboine/Blackfeet


Triia is a growing organization. With tenacity and grit it, continues to evolve. We are so grateful to be part of a community filled with culture, art, and stories that go back for generations. We thank the original nine artists for joining when we were just a seed so we could grow into a program that makes a big impact for all Native artists in the future.

the original nine

John Three Fingers

John Three Fingers

Art: Sculpture, Woodworking,

Tribe: Northern Cheyenne

Rabbit Knows Gun

Rabbit Knows Gun

Art: Paintings, Stationary,

Style: Playful, Imaginative, Modern with a nod to tradition

Tribe: Crow

Scott Frazier

Scott Frazier

Art: Beadwork, Dolls, Stationary,

Style: Healing, Pure, Serenity

Tribe: Crow

Sandy Swallow

Sandy Swallow

Art: Paintings, Print Making,

Style: Spiritual, Connection, Nature

Tribe: Oglala Sioux

Olivia “Rose” Williamson / Lady Pompadour

Olivia “Rose” Williamson / Lady Pompadour

Art: Beadwork, Jewelry,

Style: Beauty, Flowers, Vibrance

Tribe: Crow

Kimberly Woyak

Kimberly Woyak

Art: Jewelry, Photography,

Style: Evocative, Joyful, Explosive

Tribe: Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Valerie Veis

Valerie Veis

Art: Hand-woven Baskets, Paintings, Stationary,

Style: Spirit-inspired and Simple

Tribe: Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa

Lola Wippert

Lola Wippert

Style: Ribbon Skirts, Ribbon Shirts

Tribe: Blackfeet

Our Champions — Meet Our Partners

Native American Development Corporation - Logo

Native American Development Corporation (NADC) provides high-quality sustainable business consulting; financial and business development services to entrepreneurs and Tribal enterprises, and is creating a premier health network to best meet the needs of Native American individuals, families, and communities.

American Indian Consulting Services - Logo
Billings Urban Indian Health and Wellness Center - Logo

How do you become a partner?